People over Process and the Trilogy: Some Progress to Report

Well into the publishing process now. Excited to report a tentative publishing date of October 2019. I wanted to work to get a lower price to make the book more accessible and my very helpful publisher agreed to do this one as a paperback. The text and diagrams have all been submitted, even the back cover text, and the production and copy editing folks are all engaged. Still need to do a front cover, and then of course the intense work when the editor gets back to me and I need to go over every change.

I’ve also (obviously) arrived at a name for the trilogy: Tales of Agility. I wanted to convey that my books are about more than “Agile” as it is in danger of becoming, ie the Scrum process. And to communicate the story-telling approach that I hope makes learning more accessible and interesting. My publisher isn’t going to market People over Process as the trilogy capstone to avoid implying that a reader would need to have read the first two books. That makes a lot of sense; each book stands well on its own. I am conveying the trilogy idea in this website, however, because the ideas do complement each other.

US Bank Home Lending Press Release

US Bank did a press release this week on the home lending portal we’ve been working on for a couple of years. We are now in leadership position in the quality of the user experience, and the first bank to be able to provide instant firm approvals for many borrowers based on direct deposit information from most banks in the US. The program used many lean and and agile techniques, most importantly “People over Process” leadership from many participants.

Press Release Here

People over Process: Contract concluded for publication

I’m excited to note that the contract to publish the third book of my lean/agile software trilogy is signed! Starting the editing and publication process. We’ve decided to do as a paperback to bring the price point down, so it’s more accessible to more people. We’re also going to lower the prices on my first two books in the trilogy, as I had quite a bit of feedback that the cost was too high. I’ll put up a new blog post when I know a publication date.

Final note is that I’m trying to think of a good title for the trilogy. Something catchy and descriptive. And also a title for this website.