People over Process and the Trilogy: Some Progress to Report

Well into the publishing process now. Excited to report a tentative publishing date of October 2019. I wanted to work to get a lower price to make the book more accessible and my very helpful publisher agreed to do this one as a paperback. The text and diagrams have all been submitted, even the back cover text, and the production and copy editing folks are all engaged. Still need to do a front cover, and then of course the intense work when the editor gets back to me and I need to go over every change.

I’ve also (obviously) arrived at a name for the trilogy: Tales of Agility. I wanted to convey that my books are about more than “Agile” as it is in danger of becoming, ie the Scrum process. And to communicate the story-telling approach that I hope makes learning more accessible and interesting. My publisher isn’t going to market People over Process as the trilogy capstone to avoid implying that a reader would need to have read the first two books. That makes a lot of sense; each book stands well on its own. I am conveying the trilogy idea in this website, however, because the ideas do complement each other.